
和父母交朋友Making Friends With My Parents

和父母交朋友Making Friends With My Parents Since I go to middle school, I don’t like to talk to parents, because when I tell them my idea, they will deny it and then ask me do as what they say. I am not the little girl anymore, I have the right to make my decision. My parents realize this, someday they walked to my room and talked to me. They apologized for treating me like the little kid, they liked to respect my decision and wanted to make friends with me. I was so happy, my parents indeed followed their words. I opened my heart and talked with them all the things. Talking to the friends is much easier than talking to the parents.自从我上初中,我就不喜欢和父母聊天,因为当我告诉他们我的想法,他们会给予否认,然后叫我按他们的话去做。我不再是一个小孩子了,我有权利去做自己的决定。父母意识到了这点,有一天他们走到我的房间和我聊天。他们为把我当做个小孩子道歉,他们会尊重我的决定,并且想要和我交朋友。我很开心,父母确实实行了他们的话。我打开了心扉,和他们无所不聊。和朋友交流总是要比和父母交流轻松。