
英语作文-我最喜爱照片(My favourite photo)

英语作文:我最喜爱照片(My favourite photo) ◆您现在正在阅读的我最喜爱照片(My favourite photo)文章内容由<99作文网>收集, 本站地址,版权归原作者所有.!

我最喜爱照片(My favourite photo)

我最喜爱照片(My favourite photo) There is an Aoyu in the picture. The Aoyu has a green tail, two colorful horns and the silver skin. It’s a silver Aoyu. It looks beautiful and lively. Aoyu dance is a traditional dance in Shawan Piaose. It means it can always get the first. It’s a good symbol. Everyone likes it very much.
