
大学英语作文:老师是否应该每天都给学生留作业 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Some teachers do not assign homework every day but instead give it only once or twice a week. I think this is a mistake. Teachers in every class should definitely assign their students homework to do every day. First of all, teachers need to ensure that their students are absorbing the material taught in class. Many students claim to have understood their lessons, but in reality they have not completely comprehended what was taught. For example, our math teacher used to give us homework every class. However, she stopped doing that on day. This made many students quit paying attention in class. When she gave us a test the other week, lots of students failed, which was something they had never done before. If the teacher had been checking the students progress with daily homework assignments, they might not have failed the test. Second, giving homework assignments is a way to teach students extra lessons that were not covered in class. Since there is a limited amount of class time, this enables the students to learn even more. Homework does not have to be solving problems or writing essays. Sometimes it is just reading. By assigning extra reading homework, teachers can have students review information or learn other things no covered during class. By receiving these kinks of assignments daily, students will increase their knowledge dramatically. Finally, having daily homework assignments will teach students how to work once they graduate. people with jobs must deal with multitasking and daily assignments all the time. My father often works on several different projects at once, and he has deadlines to face every day. By giving their students homework due each day, teachers can prepare their students for the responsibilities they must assume when they get jobs after school. I strongly feel that teachers should assign daily homework to their students. This will let them know how much their students are learning and prepare the students for the job market. Giving daily homework assignments can clearly do nothing but help students both now and in the future.Students at some schools receive homework assignments every day from all of their teachers. Some people believe this is the best way to learn. I, however, disagree with this approach and feel that students should not be given homework assignments every day. Students nowadays simply have too much work. The number of classes students are taking these days is higher than ever. In the past, students might only have taken Chinese, history, math and science. However, now students are taking foreign languages, art, music, computer classes, and other subjects. If students have homework in all of these classes, they will simply get overworked. In addition, a lot of homework is just busywork that does not teach students anything at all. This means that much homework is just a waste of time for students, who are already too busy. For example, my history teacher enjoys making us read a lot. However, these reading assignment usually are not related to his lectures, and he never goes over them or tests us on them. In short, these homework assignments are just wasting our time. When the homework does not accomplish anything positive, the teacher should not bother to assign it. Finally, too much homework in a subject actually makes students start to dislike that class. When teachers assign too much work, it creates a negative atmosphere for the students. I have actually experienced this situation. I used to enjoy literature, but my teacher assigned us too much homework. Not only that, but the assignments also took a lot of time. I really started to resent all of this work, which made reading and writing the assignments difficult for me. After a while, I simply came to dislike everything that had to do with literature While homework can be important, I do not believe that teachers need to assign it to students every day. Students are already doing too much, and extra homework can create negative feelings in them. Teachers should be more prudent in assigning homework, and, that way, students will respond to their lessons more positively.

