
所有的钱 All for money

所有的钱 All for money

All for money.One day, I was going to travel by train. After I got on the train, I put tea into my mark and wait for an attendant to pull a water.minutes later,from the voice speaker : all passenger, may I have your attention pls, we are sorry to tell you that no hot water is supplied in our train."I was surprised about this. After a while. An attendant came with a car shouting:" Sold water.Eight Yuan a bottle." I was so thirsty that I had to buy.but I was not conformtable. And any case, the train should supply the hot water, the attendant should not make money from the passengers.所有的钱。有一天,我要乘火车去旅行。我上了火车后,我把茶叶放入我的标记和等待一个服务员倒水,几分钟以后,从语音喇叭:所有的乘客,请注意,我们很抱歉的告诉你,没有热水是我们的火车提供的。“我很惊讶这。过了一会儿。服务员,有一辆车,喊:“卖水。八元一瓶。“我太渴了,但是我不舒适不得不。和任何情况下,列车应供应热水,服务员不应该收乘客的钱。

相关标签: 财富Wealth