

2008 is a comprehensive implementation of the partys 17 major strategic deployment of the first year is to implement the 11th Five-Year plan link of the year. It is expected that the 2008 event will be continued.

Anti- to ensure the sound operation of the economy

Chinas economy in 5 years in a row to maintain the growth rate of over 10% based on the 2008 can maintain the momentum of stable financial operations, to prevent big ups and downs and the ups and downs, all sectors of the community concern.

In accordance with the central economic work conference, to prevent fast economic growth from overheating to prevent prices from rising structural evolution of the obvious inflation in 2008 to become the primary task of macroeconomic regulation.

Since 2007, prices continued to rise, increasing inflationary pressures. Since August, the consumer price index for 4 months or more than 6% year-on-year. Which in November rose 6.9 percent, hitting a 10-year high.

Inflation is clearly running the enemy of economic stability.

Based on current economic issues facing the outstanding contradictions, in 2008 macro-control policies have been major adjustments in the implementation of prudent monetary policy in 10 years to tight. From the tight monetary policy and sound fiscal policy to jointly promote economic restructuring and development.

Election of the new state leaders

In 2008 the two of the country is a five-year term of the General Assembly. In the first meeting of the 11th National peoples Congress and CppCC National Committee Session of the 11th meeting, the leaders will be elected to form the new government.

Seventeen big party on Chinas economic construction, political, cultural, social construction and party building up a comprehensive plan to make, the peoples livelihood of the two major reforms in the consideration of matters discussed.

The two sessions in the political life of our country is a major event the next 5 years will be even longer period of time Chinas economic and social development of a far-reaching impact.

29th Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony

August 8, 2008, the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing will be the grand opening. Athletes from all over the world will be 28, 302 small items for one match.Beijing paralympic Games will be followed in the Sept. 6 to be held.

The support of the people as a result of the Olympic pool, the Olympic spirit and inspiring. Hundreds of millions of people running for the Olympic Games Hunqianmengrao effort. The ancient capital of Beijing Olympic Games for the services of hardware conditions improved.

One World, One Dream! China will keep its promises, according to international practice for the Olympic Family and spectators the Olympic Games provide a good service.The success of the Olympic Games through a more open and more harmonious China will demonstrate to the world, but also the Olympic spirit in China, this ancient civilization has been widely promoting the East.

The 30th anniversary of greet reform and opening-up

In 2008, China will celebrate the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up. By the end of 1978, the historic Third plenary Session of the 11th CpC held in Beijing, opened a new era of reform and opening up the curtain.

The Third plenary Session of the 11th to make a new decision-making reform and opening up, China began from taking class struggle as the key link to focusing on economic construction, from the semi-rigid and rigid to the comprehensive reform, opening to the outside world to be closed or semi-closed historic Change. The meeting was the development of the socialist cause with China to enter the new era of the mark. Since then, the reform and opening-up experience from rural to urban, from the economic system to all aspects of the system, from the internal opening to the outside world to enliven the magnificent historical process. Reform and opening-up, opened up a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

More than the law urged a harmonious social justice

Labor Contract Law, Enterprise Income Tax Law, the anti-monopoly law, the Town and Country planning Act, the Employment promotion Act and a number of important laws will be implemented during the year 2008.

January 1, 2008 come into effect on the labor contract law, corporate income tax law will be workers and businesses each have a far-reaching effects. Labor Contract Law of employers and workers must be made by the labor contract, agreed to guide employers a reasonable period of labor contracts, and other issues of concern to workers is to provide for and protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers with a more powerful legal weapon.

A unified enterprise income tax law, foreign-funded enterprises income tax system will not only benefit domestic enterprises, but also conducive to foreign investment to improve the quality and structure.

Anti-monopoly law will be held on August 1, 2008 will come into effect. The law prohibits the monopoly operator to reach an agreement, the operators of the abuse of market dominant position and other monopolistic behavior, to promote the healthy development of Chinas economy is bound to have far-reaching impact.

Chinese astronauts will be the first space walk

Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft will be launched in 2008, when Chinese astronauts will conduct space walk for the first time emerged from the capsule.

God seven launch will be Chinas manned space program in another milestone. Shenzhou, Shenzhou VI in flight, the astronauts of the main tasks is to operate inside the life and self-care. From the seven gods to start, the astronauts of the initiative more than a passive activity, the astronauts on the physical, psychological and technology have a higher demand.

At present, the seven gods, the entire ship has already integrated into the testing stage, including Yang Liwei, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, Chinas first group of 14 astronauts, is to accept the seven gods, the task of selecting and training. According to the schedule for the launch of the seven gods long march II F rocket is an arrow-wide assembly.

Head of State for the first time in 10 years to visit Japan (国家元首10年来将首次访日)

2008 Sino-Japanese Treaty of peace and Friendship, marks the 30th anniversary of the conclusion. At the end of 2007, Japanese prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda during his visit, the two sides agreed that Chinese president Hu Jintao will be in the spring cherry blossoms in full bloom in 2008 to visit Japan. This will be a Chinese head of state for the first time in 10 years to visit Japan.

The Chinese side is willing to work together with Japan to high-level visits between the two countries and to commemorate Sino-Japanese peace and Friendship Treaty, the conclusion of the 30th anniversary as an opportunity to follow the three Sino-Japanese political documents between the principle of the spirit of learning from history and facing the future, Seize the opportunity to do more practical work to further strengthen dialogue and consultation, promote mutual understanding and mutual trust, between the two countries properly handle major sensitive issues; between the two countries to further promote all-round, wide-ranging, multi-level exchanges and cooperation, expand mutual Interest; to further expand non-governmental exchanges, especially exchanges between young people and deepen the friendly feelings between the two peoples to build and develop China-Japan mutually beneficial strategic relations and work together to create the Sino-Japanese good-neighborly friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation.

More financial and material resources to improve peoples livelihood

In 2008, the state will come up with more financial and material resources to improve peoples lives.

Medical and health system reform has a bearing on the immediate interests of the people. 2008 urban and rural medical and health system reform will be steadily implemented, the expansion of urban residents in the pilot of the basic medical insurance, new rural cooperative medical system covering the whole basically. The state will increase financial input to support the building of urban and rural residents covered by the public health system, the health care system, medical security system and security system of the four major drugs supply system, promote the settlement of medical treatment is difficult, expensive medical problems.

Countries have decided to raise the new rural cooperative medical care and basic medical insurance for urban residents of the level of financial assistance, financial assistance from the current standard of 40 yuan to 80 yuan, the central financial subsidy from the standard 20 yuan to 40 yuan.

In 2008 to the full implementation of the national urban and rural compulsory education free of charge, which is Chinas educational development of a milestone in the history of the big things. Improve housing security system, speed up the construction of low-rent housing to improve the economic and regulate the housing system will be the city government to address difficult issues of housing for low-income families an effective measure.
